Articles on: I am an affiliate

How to View and Manage Products?

Upon joining the affiliate program, affiliates gain autonomy to access certain information and functionalities related to the product in question, such as the dashboard, promotional links, and integrations.

To access affiliate permissions in PRODUCTS, follow the instructions below:

1 – Log in with your username and password, then click on PRODUCTS > MY PRODUCTS in the left sidebar.

2 – Next, click on the AFFILIATED tab to access all the products you are affiliated with.

Additionally, in this same tab, you can view:

IMAGE – an illustrative image or logo of the product.

CODE – the product code generated when it is registered and approved on the platform. Each product has a unique code (ID) that distinguishes it from products with the same name.

NAME – the name of the product registered on the platform.

In TYPE, you can see whether the product is Physical, Event, Online Course, Software, E-books, Subscription Service, Instagram, or Other.

Also, the CATEGORY of the product. Finally, the STATUS, which can indicate whether sales are active or inactive.

3 – In ACTIONS, click on MANAGE to view the product’s revenue for the last 30 days.

4 – Still in MANAGE, affiliates can access certain product functionalities:


An overview of the revenue for the last few months.

Here, you can view information about the offers created for this product, such as offer links and sales pages provided by the producer.


Read More:

How to Affiliate with a Product on Ticto?

I'm an Affiliate and Need to Change Bank and Registration Data

Updated on: 08/20/2024

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