Articles on: I am an affiliate

How to Affiliate with a Product on Ticto?

Learn How to Affiliate with a Product on Ticto.

Discover the top-selling products in the market and start earning today! With the TICTO PRODUCT SHOWCASE, you can quickly and dynamically affiliate with various products, using search mechanisms tailored to your profile and sales strategy.

And the best part: there are no fees to affiliate with products in our showcase! The fees mentioned on our site are exclusive to producers. Commissions are set by the producer, and you can earn significantly by choosing the products that best suit your audience.

To access the TICTO PRODUCT SHOWCASE, simply complete a quick registration on our site.
Click here to create your account now!

The process to affiliate with a product is simple and easy. Follow the steps below and start earning:

1. Log in to your Ticto account and, in the side menu, click on PRODUCT SHOWCASE.

2. Next, you will be directed to our PRODUCT SHOWCASE.

3. By clicking on FILTERS, you can access all products available in the SHOWCASE and search using the MAGNIFYING GLASS. Simply enter the name of the product you want to find.

You can refine your search by name, price, type, and category.

I Found the Product to Affiliate With, Now What?

4. Click on the product you want to affiliate with.

You will now have access to important information about the affiliation, such as: Average commission rate, approval type, product email, general instructions, and product details.
See if the provided items align with your expectations. If so, proceed to REQUEST AFFILIATION.

5. By clicking on REQUEST AFFILIATION, you will be directed to the AFFILIATION TERMS. Carefully read the affiliation terms, and if you agree, complete the request by enabling the I AGREE WITH THE AFFILIATION TERMS option. Then, click on REQUEST AFFILIATION.

6. After completing the request, return to the side menu, click on MY PRODUCTS, and select the AFFILIATED tab. In this section, you will have access to the products you have affiliated with.

I Affiliated, Now What?

7. After affiliating, it’s important to manage these products. To do this, click on ACTIONS > MANAGE. Here, you will have access to the Dashboard and can track your sales.

In the PROMOTION LINK option, you will have access to the link for promotion to start your sales.

How to Cancel My Affiliation with a Product?

1 . To stop promoting a product as an affiliate, simply request that the producer remove your affiliation. This way, you will no longer receive commissions for sales of that product.

How to Request Approval to Become an Affiliate?

1. To request affiliation with a product that requires producer approval, complete the registration form provided by the producer. After submitting your request, wait for the producer’s review, which may take a few days. If your request is approved, you will receive access to the affiliate link to start promoting the product and earning commissions on sales made.

Watch the step-by-step video below!

Read More:

How to View and Manage Products?

I'm an Affiliate and Need to Change Bank and Registration Data

Updated on: 08/20/2024

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