Articles on: I am a producer

How to Register a Bank Account and Withdraw Funds on Ticto?

See the rules for withdrawal and how to register a bank account

In the WITHDRAWALS section, you can withdraw and transfer money to a previously registered bank account with ease and security.

Below, we will show you how to register a bank account and, later, how to make withdrawals.

To register your bank account, you need to reach the minimum withdrawal amount of R$ 50.00.

When can I start withdrawing?

For sales made via PIX, the balance will be available for withdrawal immediately.
For sales made via bank slip, the money will be available for withdrawal just 2 days after payment confirmation.
For payments made by credit card and other methods, the withdrawal will be available after 30 days.

Once the registered bank account is approved, you can make withdrawals, subject to a fee applied to each transaction:

- A fee of R$4.80 for each withdrawal over R$ 100.00.

- For withdrawals under R$100.00, the fee is R$ 8.90.

The minimum amount allowed for withdrawal is R$ 50.00.

Can I anticipate withdrawals?

Every producer has a percentage of commission released for withdrawal before the 30-day period for credit card transactions, subject to an advance withdrawal fee applied to this transaction.

To request an advance withdrawal, you must have already made a standard withdrawal from your initial sales. After completing this first withdrawal, the producer will be allowed to anticipate future withdrawals. If the advance button is not available, contact our Customer Service. An analysis will be carried out based on internal criteria to make the advance benefit available.

By default, the platform charges a fee of 5.49%, and you can anticipate 60% of the total revenue. The remaining 40% is "blocked" in the Security Reserve.

To request an advance withdrawal:

1. Log in to your Ticto account and, in the side menu, click on WITHDRAWALS;

2. Click on NEW ADVANCE;

3. Fill in the requested information, such as the WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT;

4. After submitting the information, the advance withdrawal request will be analyzed.

Balance Security Reserve

By default, the Ticto platform has a balance security reserve to cover any refunds or chargebacks.

The reserve aims to prevent situations where you make a sale, withdraw the money, and later the transaction turns into a chargeback or refund, leaving you without a balance on the platform to cover the difference. This could cause a loss for Ticto.

For credit card sales, you can request an advance of up to 60% of the revenue. If the advance button is not available, contact our Customer Service.

If you continue making sales, the balance from new transactions will be used in the security reserve. Therefore, by maintaining a constant sales flow and always having a balance to receive, the 40% reserve becomes imperceptible.

Is there a withdrawal limit?

INDIVIDUAL: Withdrawal limits are unlimited;

COMPANY: Withdrawal limits are unlimited.

How to Register and View Bank Accounts?

1. Log in to your Ticto account and, in the side menu, click on WITHDRAWALS;

2. Click on BANK ACCOUNTS.

On this screen, the producer can manage registered bank accounts.

Note that it is mandatory to include a bank account during platform registration. To add new accounts, simply click on REGISTER NEW. If you have already added an account and want to include another, just click on + ADD.

IMPORTANT: You can register as many accounts as you wish, as long as they all meet the approval criteria. When requesting a withdrawal, you can choose which of the registered and APPROVED accounts you want to receive the amount in.

3. Attach the required documents:

For individual accounts:

- Proof of identity;
- Front of the document;
- Back of the document.

Select the button I confirm that the provided documents belong to the account holder and then click on Next Step.

For company accounts:

- Articles of incorporation;
- CNPJ certificate;
- Bank document.

Select the button I confirm that the provided documents belong to the account holder and then click on Next Step.

4. Enter the requested data:

- In cases of CPF accounts >> Account holder and CPF;
- In cases of CNPJ accounts >> Company name;
- Bank;
- Account type;
- Agency;
- Account number;
- Check digit;
- Bank document.

If your agency number has fewer than 4 digits, fill it in by including zeros at the front. Example: AG: 12 >> FILL AG: 0012.
If your account is a savings account, enter the ACCOUNT numbers by removing the zeros at the beginning. Example: Account: 000123456789 >> FILL Account: 123456789.
In cases where the Check Digit is the letter X, include the number 0.

The bank document must contain the following data:

Bank identification (bank name and logo);
Account holder name (matching the submitted documents);
Agency number (without the digit);
Account (with the digit).

5. Finally, click on SUBMIT.

You're all set! Your account will be reviewed, and you will soon receive a response.

How to Make Withdrawals?

To withdraw funds, follow the steps below:

1. In the side menu, click on WITHDRAWALS.

2. On the dashboard, you can view:

- AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR WITHDRAWAL, considering the 30 days from the completed sale;
- AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR ANTICIPATABLE, meaning the commission amount that hasn't yet completed the minimum of 30 days (we talk more about advance at the end of this article);
- PENDING AMOUNT, which is the available amount that hasn't yet been withdrawn;
- TOTAL AMOUNT of commissions available for withdrawal since the first sale (both amounts already withdrawn and those yet to be).

3. On the bottom bar, you can view a financial information history:

- WITHDRAWAL HISTORY: This section will show all the withdrawals made from the account, including:

Amount requested for withdrawal;
Withdrawal fee;
Amount received in this withdrawal;
Reason for withdrawal failure (if applicable);
Withdrawal date;
Withdrawal status.

- ADVANCE HISTORY: All withdrawals made with advanced amounts will be recorded on this screen.

- FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The financial statement works like a bank statement, showing all incoming and outgoing amounts, as well as information related to these amounts:


- RECEIVABLES SCHEDULE: A statement with all upcoming available withdrawals (date and amount).

How long does it take for the withdrawal to reach my account after being made?

Withdrawals requested by 12 PM will be deposited on the same day.

Please note that this timeframe applies only on business days. For requests made on weekends and holidays, the deposit will occur on the next business day.

Read More:

How to register products?

How to Create an Account on Ticto?

Updated on: 08/20/2024

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