Articles on: I am a producer

How to Create an Account on Ticto?

Registering on Ticto is quick and easy.

At Ticto, we are committed to offering the best platform to boost your business. We are excited to have you with us. There’s nothing better than starting a new journey on the right foot, right? That’s why we’ve prepared this step-by-step guide to help you create your account with ease and speed.

Rest assured, we’re here to help you every step of the way. So, let’s dive into this adventure together!

Before creating your account, check out the criteria for account approval on Ticto.

Please note that it is essential to have a Brazilian phone number and address, as well as an active bank account in the country to create your account on Ticto. 😉

1. Visit the TICTO website.

2. Click on the SIGN UP button.

3. Read the information about the TICTO fee of 6.99% + R$2.49 per transaction and click on GET STARTED.

4. Enter your full name, email, and WhatsApp number. Then, click on CREATE ACCOUNT.

5. Check your email and follow the instructions to create a secure password.

6. Click on CLICK HERE in the yellow bar at the top of the screen to complete your registration.

1. For a LEGAL ENTITY, select the nature of your activity and provide your:
Administrator's CPF;
Commissions in the last 12 months;
Monthly revenue projection.

2. In the PERSONAL INFORMATION section, enter your country and ZIP CODE. Fill in the remaining information in the next step.

3. Wait for your information to be reviewed.

The account review process can take up to 3 business days.

Registration for INDIVIDUAL

1. For an individual, select the nature of your activity and provide your CPF, date of birth, commissions in the last 12 months, and monthly revenue projection.

2. In the PERSONAL INFORMATION section, enter your country and ZIP CODE. Fill in the remaining information in the next step.

3. Wait for your information to be reviewed. We will respond within 3 business days via your email.

Verified Account Badge for Producers

For producers, after your registration is approved on Ticto, you can request the verified account badge to bring credibility to buyers on the platform. If you’re interested, just request the badge from our customer support specialists through the communication channels.

Read More:

How to Register a Bank Account and Withdraw Funds on Ticto?

How to register products?

Updated on: 08/20/2024

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